Tunaxor's Blog

My Experiences on F#/JS and maybe other stuff as well

Running migrations in a server is simple, but how about local embedded databases?... #codebase  #dotnet  #exploration  #fsharp 
Let me share with you how I've learned to explore new F# codebases... #codebase  #dotnet  #exploration  #fsharp 
It is time for the FsAdvent post for this year! Let's see how's WASM faring in the F# world!... #dotnet  #fsadvent  #fsharp  #webdev 
What!? That a friend of yours was insisting that you use F# for your next project, and you just wanted to get it over with?... #aspnet  #dotnet  #fsharp  #webdev 
Today's topic is File Uploads to F# backends! #backend  #dotnet  #file-upload  #fsharp 
Today's topic is Google Cloud Platform and F#... #dotnet  #fsadvent  #fsharp  #gcloud 
We'll be talking about how can we use the Fable Compiler to target different javascript runtimes besides the browser! #bun  #deno  #fsharp  #node 
Today we will talk about what is the current frontend landscape of Frontend development for the F# ecosystem. #dotnet  #fsharp  #webassembly  #webdev 
Do you want to use F# for web development rather than javascript? this one is for you! #dotnet  #fsharp  #webassembly  #webdev 
Sometimes using F# in existing projects isn't that hard let's take a look... #fable  #fsharp  #javascript  #node 
Building tooling for the JS ecosystem is a real challenge, butLet's see how can we do something about it... #dotnet  #fsadvent  #fsharp  #showdev 
Let's see how F# can help us to think about workflows and error handling... #dotnet  #fsadvent  #fsharp  #simplethingsfsharp 
Need to access a datasource like MySQL, MSSQL or PostgreSQL F# got you covered!... #dotnet  #fsharp  #mongodb  #simplethingsfsharp  #sql 
SSE is an interesting and simple to implement concept to let the client know something happened... #aspnet  #dotnet  #fsharp  #saturn 
Writing HTML can be prone to errors, but what about doing it in F#?... #fable  #fsharp  #lit-html  #sutil 
Let's see how you can start sharing the F# love with the web eco... #fable  #fsharp  #lit-html  #web-components 
Writing standard HTML for fable applications like really? well... #fable  #fsharp  #lit-html  #web-components 
You may have done some web scrapping with python before but, have you with F#?... #dotnet  #fsharp  #playwright  #simplethingsfsharp  #webscrapping 
Simple things in F If you come from PHP, Javascript this might help you understand a... #dotnet  #fsharp  #mvc  #saturn  #simplethingsfsharp 
Simple things in FSharp Hello there, this is the 4th entry in Simple Things F#. Today... #dotnet  #fsharp  #html  #simplethingsfsharp  #templates 
Hello everyone, here we are once again with another F# blog post. This time I want to bring attenti... #fsharp  #litelement  #svelte  #webcomponents 
Simple things in FSharp This is the third post in Simple things in F#. Today we will talk... #dotnet  #fsharp  #http  #samples  #simplethingsfsharp 
Simple things in F This is the second post in Simple things in F# I felt the IO chapter is... #dotnet  #fsharp  #io  #samples  #simplethingsfsharp 
Simple things in FSharp As part of my effort to share the F# goodness I'll start a series... #dotnet  #fsharp  #io  #samples  #simplethingsfsharp 
F# 5.0 has strong scripting capabilities thanks to the updated #dotnet  #fsharp  #mongodb  #scripting 
If there's something that people think (or used to think) when node is mentioned it's very likely to... #fsharp  #mean  #node  #webdev 
I'm a person that tries to ease other people's lives, if not at least my own. One of the things I fou... #dotnet  #fsharp  #mongodb  #showdev 
In an era where everything is a SPA and everything uses Webpack, it seems that you should only be doi... #aspnet  #fsharp  #giraffe  #ssr 
In the last post, I gave an overview of how this project is setup and what is roughly trying to do.... #aspnet  #backend  #fsharp  #giraffe 
Hello everyone, today I bring you some F# 5.0 preview niceties FSharp Conf was last Friday (June 5th,... #dotnet  #fsharp  #windows  #winrt 
Today I'll write about a tool I live coded on my twitch stream the first weeks of April As part of my... #dotnet  #fsharp  #sql  #tool 
Hello, It's been a while since I wrote something here 😁 Last time I was writing stuff about Avalonia... #dotnet  #fsharp  #javascript  #react 
Hello there! Last time I wrote about using Avalonia and Avalonia.FuncUI to write a simple todo app, y... #avalonia  #fsharp  #fsharpcandothat  #netcore 
I'm a pretty much the average person on different languages Javascript, C#, Python, Java some Scala a... #avalonia  #dotnet  #fsharp  #fsharpcandothat 
Yup, it's time to do some experience sharing #csharp  #dotnet  #poc  #uwp 
b #b 
I found out this Powershell module that allows me to do mongo stuff from the terminal! #cmd  #mongo  #powershell  #terminal 
Let's spin off an electron app with the fairly new aurelia-script #aurelia  #electron  #javascript 
Well I've been far away these last months, quite busy at work also looking for ... #dotnet  #fsharp  #giraffe 
can you share what you are looking for in a web browser (mobile or desktop) #browsers  #discuss  #ideas  #question 
I'll share with you what I have found in Stencil part 2! #javascript  #stencil  #tsx  #webcomponents 
I'll tell you about my experience playing around with stencil.js #javascript  #jsx  #stencil  #webcomponents 
If you don't want to target UWP with WinJS, you still have an option #aurelia  #offline  #pwa  #uwp 
Would you mind taking a look at EventEmitters? #eventemitter  #javascript  #node 
I share you some of my origins as a developer as well as puting options out there #electron  #javascript  #uwp 
What if I show you a native audio player inside a vue UWP without an audio tag? #javascript  #native  #uwp  #vue 
Let me show you that you can target windows store apps as well! #angular  #aurelia  #javascript  #vue 
A brief summary of what I'm looking for this year in dev tech #aurelia  #newyear  #sailsjs  #vue 
I've been looking at rust with good eyes #rust